pengrin™: douglas fir action!
pengrin™: it's that time again..
pengrin™: YMCA swimming pool in Oakland
pengrin™: the boys decorated our tree this year...
pengrin™: color lights on top and white lights on the bottom
pengrin™: visit 033
pengrin™: ham with aoili sauce
pengrin™: breakfast sausage with cheese appetizer
pengrin™: Santa has been good to the boys
pengrin™: of course, xmas dunnies are required!
pengrin™: our wonderful gift from john & art with truffles!
pengrin™: chronicles of the paunovich - ha ha..
pengrin™: xmas gingerbread houses at safeway by fisherman's wharf
pengrin™: xmas gingerbread houses at safeway by fisherman's wharf
pengrin™: xmas gingerbread houses at safeway by fisherman's wharf
pengrin™: the one on the right is a gingerboat - cool
pengrin™: poinsetta TP
pengrin™: xmas lights TP
pengrin™: cat watch
pengrin™: gravy and biscuits
pengrin™: eggs benedict
pengrin™: pat's cafe mug
pengrin™: french toast special - delicious!