pengrin™: Thank you Amy and Diana!!
pengrin™: underground hideaway
pengrin™: I won this for my Magnet Tossing hallway concept.. HA HA...
pengrin™: polaroid
pengrin™: polaroid wall...
pengrin™: my winning prize for magnet tossing hallway..
pengrin™: snowman with his candy splattered body
pengrin™: amy and me
pengrin™: diana and me
pengrin™: dunny skiin' with delicious red twizzlers
pengrin™: dunny and his stash of candy...
pengrin™: monkey feet and his candy...
pengrin™: gary conversing with a live snowman.. HA HA...
pengrin™: slaughtered snowman pinta - Does Amy have angry management issues?
pengrin™: snowman went down..
pengrin™: gary brought down the snowman...
pengrin™: diana had to dodge flying elephants...
pengrin™: roger spinning diana
pengrin™: audience awaits the bashing of the snowman pinta
pengrin™: roger struck the snowman pinta so hard she had to yanked the club out...
pengrin™: roger full strike force