pengrin™: The Cheese School of San Francisco - cheese & wine event
pengrin™: Beautiful table setting at The Cheese School of San Francisco
pengrin™: fruit plate - yum!
pengrin™: My lovely table setting...
pengrin™: Lisa, Marcia and Sara
pengrin™: Lisa and Marcia
pengrin™: Wil Edwards - cheesemaker & comedic! :)
pengrin™: My delicious cheese dish...
pengrin™: Alex Fox and Wil Edwards
pengrin™: Fromage Blanc
pengrin™: Van Goat - delicious & heavenly!!
pengrin™: Cranberry Walnut
pengrin™: Redwood Hill Farms Crottin
pengrin™: Sweet Grass Dairy Green Hill
pengrin™: Vermont Shepherd and Andante Dairy Melange
pengrin™: my table setting with wine filled glasses
pengrin™: close up of my fruits - I mean they below to the group... :D
pengrin™: fromage blanc cheese with strawberry - Delicious!!
pengrin™: Vermont Shepherd's rind is made with cheesecloth - Yum!
pengrin™: Cheese Making Lesson - whole milk ricotta
pengrin™: kitchen items required to make the ricotta...
pengrin™: added vinegar
pengrin™: adding salt
pengrin™: still waiting..
pengrin™: Wil tells us a cool & funny story...
pengrin™: Wil using a strainer to ladle curds