pengrin™: Volunteer Novice
pengrin™: Out of the Darkness support
pengrin™: AIDS wristband support
pengrin™: cow palace - Skot, volunteer
pengrin™: Yep, that's me as the EasterBunny for Salvation Army
pengrin™: Paulette & I @ Women's Initiative
pengrin™: Director of suicide prevention..
pengrin™: Team June's flag...
pengrin™: Team June @ 6AM!!! (OMG!!)
pengrin™: June and I - waiting for the closing cermony for OOTD
pengrin™: Mornin' June! We did the 18 miles!! or was that 20 miles?
pengrin™: June's new clothingline collection for Fall 2007 - foil mink isn't it reflective??
pengrin™: foiled june!!
pengrin™: june was cold after that walk..
pengrin™: foil people hangin' in the grass at 5ish AM..
pengrin™: luminous...dedication cermony
pengrin™: Team June at 7PM...
pengrin™: memories of their loved ones..
pengrin™: team june @ 7PM
pengrin™: June and I walked 20-miles in San Francisco from 8PM-5ish AM on July 22-23rd 2006
pengrin™: portapotty -- and they were clean..
pengrin™: me and the director, claire - she loves to smile.. :D
pengrin™: headless kids at back to school 2006 event..
pengrin™: fallen highlighters
pengrin™: book bag galore..