professorzoom: Obviously unaware of Cecil's status as a celebrity
professorzoom: Iron Man props on the Auction Block
professorzoom: Stormtrooper Art
professorzoom: Session One- Graphic Novels 101
professorzoom: Cecil discusses the importance of Visual Literacy
professorzoom: Batman Villians Unite!
professorzoom: The Flash at the DC Booth
professorzoom: The Empire trying to recruit Cecil... again
professorzoom: Want a T-shirt with a clever saying on it?
professorzoom: The DC Nation meets at C2E2
professorzoom: The Web Comics Town Hall Panel
professorzoom: What a great way to the first day.
professorzoom: SWAG Anyone?
professorzoom: Boba Fett Delivers Cecil to Darth Vader
professorzoom: Neil Gaiman @ C2E2
professorzoom: Cool Stuff At C2E2
professorzoom: Cecil listens intently to Jeff Smith & Mark Waid
professorzoom: Who ya Gonna Call?
professorzoom: Angering Pirates once again...
professorzoom: Wrong color monkey.
professorzoom: Jeff Smith Session @ C2E2
professorzoom: Jeff Smith Session @ C2E2
professorzoom: Mark Waid & Jeff Smith chat about the iPad
professorzoom: Who is this Bruce person?
professorzoom: Taking a break from the Death Star
professorzoom: Cecil... Not again.
professorzoom: Cecil just isn't fast enough...
professorzoom: Cecil is developing a thing for Supergirl
professorzoom: GWS artist Danielle Corsetto
professorzoom: What has Cecil done now?!?