Penelope Malby Photography: ... and you are?...
Penelope Malby Photography: life doesn't get much better than this....
Penelope Malby Photography: Ruffled feathers
Penelope Malby Photography: .... where's my bottle?...
Penelope Malby Photography: Any mice down there?
Penelope Malby Photography: Me and my friend.
Penelope Malby Photography: Barn owl at dusk
Penelope Malby Photography: Barn owl hunting
Penelope Malby Photography: Pair of Great Crested Grebes
Penelope Malby Photography: Bearded reedling female
Penelope Malby Photography: Can you guess what this is?
Penelope Malby Photography: King of the Marshes
Penelope Malby Photography: Marsh harrier hunting
Penelope Malby Photography: Hare in the rain