Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Thanks to the generosity of One World Futbol and DHL and our private donors, indestructible soccer balls have arrived in LIBORE!!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Equipe fille de Galabal
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: La boite de soin Pencils for KIDS
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: La joie hors du terrain
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Le vice maire,l'Inpecteur ,le Président de l'ONG LIBO et le secteur pedagogique
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Les differnts lots
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Les femmes avec les filles
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Les filles de Banigoungou
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Lot remis par le Vice maire
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Pencils for kids partout et pour tout
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Remise d'un lot par LIBO
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Seance de tir au but
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Seance de tir au but_1
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: tir o but des filles
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Un coup de chaleur
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Un match à en jeu
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Une coupe çase fete
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Getting ready to give them out to the schools
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Little boy touches first indestructible balls from Soccer for Kids