Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
A tree nursery for the mothers is going up in Galbal, one of the Farmers of the Future pilot sites!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin de Galbal de l'exterieur
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin de Galbal un bassin alimenté par le uit scolaire
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin de Galbal une vue d'ensemble
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin de Galbal vu de l'interieur
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin de Galbal vue 2
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger:
Jardin feminin