Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Pruning techniques!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Learning to prune the trees!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Mr Ali Abdoulaye, Coordinator of NGO VIE took this opportunity to give valuable advice to the children. He asked them to be very careful and learn a lot and be able to apply what they have learned back home.
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Group_Photo of the young people trained to do the grafting for our Trees for Kids Program.
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: The NGO VIE is helping to train the young people to graft the wild Jujubier trees. Pencils for Kids is paying for the training and for the tools for grafting!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Amadou is tasting Pomme du Sahel for the first time in his life!He says the two fruits will feed his whole family for breakfast!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Amadou is showing one of his grafted Pomme du Sahel trees which he surrounded with fencing to protect it.
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Big wild Jujupier in a garden in Tera District before grafting
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Successfully grafted tree in the garden
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Goats ate the leaves of this unprotected tree. It is important to fence the trees that have been grafted.
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Pomme du Sahel fruit are ripening on the trees of the village Chief after being grafted five months ago
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Grafting team made up of 17 -21 year olds who are strong enough to cut and climb
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Nutritious and delicious!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: So proud of his efforts!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: A fully grafted Jujubier tree!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Success...the grafting worked and the fruit is plentiful!
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Farmers paid the students to graft their trees and P4K paid to train the grafters and provided the tools! A great partnership.
Pencils for Kids, Libore, Niger: Yum yum!! The Pomme du Sahel taste great!