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TCC @ Kg. Mangkok by Pelf Nyok
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Pelf Nyok
Moving in
Pelf Nyok
Moving in
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning up the TCC House
Pelf Nyok
The bare wall
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning up the TCC House
Pelf Nyok
The yucky-looking wall
Pelf Nyok
Look here, girls!
Pelf Nyok
Ashraf helping us clean the outside wall
Pelf Nyok
Other kids
Pelf Nyok
Learning about sea turtles
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning up the TCC House
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning up the TCC House
Pelf Nyok
Scrub. Scrub. Scrub.
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning up the TCC House
Pelf Nyok
Gotong-royong, LOL.
Pelf Nyok
Ikhwan, the bully
Pelf Nyok
The flimsy kitchen sink
Pelf Nyok
Installing a new kitchen sink
Pelf Nyok
Installing the new kitchen sink
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning the old fan blades
Pelf Nyok
Cleaning the old fan blades
Pelf Nyok
Atikah and Atizah
Pelf Nyok
Putting up the TCC logo ceremoniously
Pelf Nyok
Turtle Conservation Centre
Pelf Nyok
Alif, Ashraf's half brother
Pelf Nyok
Zubir helped transport some wood
Pelf Nyok
Azuhan helping Zubir with the wood
Pelf Nyok
The broken gate latch
Pelf Nyok
The mess done by the goats
Pelf Nyok
Prof. Chan at her study table
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