Pelf Nyok: The CSF booth
Pelf Nyok: The CSF booth
Pelf Nyok: Jewelry for sale
Pelf Nyok: Life cycle of a desert tortoise
Pelf Nyok: CTTC_006
Pelf Nyok: CTTC_007
Pelf Nyok: With Elaine
Pelf Nyok: Hand-made glass plates
Pelf Nyok: Learn origami
Pelf Nyok: Past issues of the Tortuga Gazette
Pelf Nyok: Raffle gifts
Pelf Nyok: Cute turtles
Pelf Nyok: Argh!
Pelf Nyok: The RES booth
Pelf Nyok: The red-eared sliders
Pelf Nyok: Look at my origami hat!
Pelf Nyok: Taking it easy
Pelf Nyok: Aren't they cute?
Pelf Nyok: The "popular" booth
Pelf Nyok: A Russian tortoise
Pelf Nyok: RES, anyone?
Pelf Nyok: Checking out the temperature
Pelf Nyok: It's feeding time!
Pelf Nyok: The most popular booth
Pelf Nyok: T-shirts for sale
Pelf Nyok: A deformed tortoise
Pelf Nyok: Public coming in
Pelf Nyok: Kid's corner
Pelf Nyok: A huge African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata)