peko-chan: The ceiling has dropped to the bucket.
peko-chan: Bendy Straw Chain = Syphon tool
peko-chan: Macguyver in Action
peko-chan: Shot of ceiling from afar
peko-chan: Multimedia message
peko-chan: Multimedia message
peko-chan: Multimedia message
peko-chan: water leaked all over the floor
peko-chan: ceiling starting to droop
peko-chan: corner above kitchen cabinets
peko-chan: ceiling above kitchen cabinets
peko-chan: more bubbling
peko-chan: ceiling paint bubbling due to water damage
peko-chan: wet ceiling
peko-chan: Close-up of ceiling, ceiling is bowed with water
peko-chan: Close-up of ceiling
peko-chan: another leak
peko-chan: ceiling corner