peichin: 1st b-day cake of the yr, totally a surprise
peichin: At Neil's place
peichin: 2nd b-day cake, still a big surprise =)
peichin: IMG_0815.JPG
peichin: Sweet Liyin
peichin: 3rd b-day cake.. see im turning 21st!
peichin: my regular expression candles
peichin: Sweet An, the terminal, the cake, and me.
peichin: Sarah and me
peichin: Who's this hot chick?
peichin: Borat and me
peichin: Lan, Hueihuei, and me
peichin: Chengtao, Hong, and me
peichin: I interrupted Johnny's plan to get cute girl's phone number
peichin: Girls
peichin: Girls, with flash
peichin: Johnny and me
peichin: The other adorable 3
peichin: Ariel and me
peichin: Ariel is not happy
peichin: My face fits there just perfect
peichin: That's how Johnny helped me keep track of how many drinks I've had
peichin: Pa and Lan are adorable
peichin: This is my first time being the drunk crowd at pizza my <3
peichin: Salsa gift from Salsa partner, aka Borat
peichin: Wonderful gift from Lan
peichin: Wonderful gift from Lan
peichin: Wonderful gift from Lan