peichin: Foggy day, at new york city
peichin: In the line of getting my bagel
peichin: NBC today show
peichin: Rockfeller center
peichin: Empty Moma store
peichin: Empty Moma store
peichin: I was so tempted to buy it...
peichin: Yellow stopper
peichin: Moma
peichin: Atrium in Moma
peichin: Atrium in Moma
peichin: Hello there!
peichin: Afternoon shower, Soho, New York City
peichin: What New York tradition is
peichin: Rice Pudding Store in Soho
peichin: Steve and hidden Sabina @ Central Park
peichin: It looked like Asia / Europe / Africa to me...
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Steve: "Get some string variable", Sabina: "Get money faster"
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Central Park West
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Steve & Sabina @ Central Park
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Central Park East
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Me @ Central Park
peichin: Central Park
peichin: Two of my best friends!