pegsix: bob's boys
pegsix: the dogs come to visit
pegsix: oralia and me
pegsix: little feet nubs
pegsix: wag wag
pegsix: patient bentley
pegsix: oralia and bentley
pegsix: oralia and bentley
pegsix: oralia and her boy
pegsix: shake shake
pegsix: nice to meet you
pegsix: goofy smile
pegsix: bent n me
pegsix: bent n me
pegsix: bentley's hamburger
pegsix: aw yeah
pegsix: stretching out
pegsix: what? are you talking about me?
pegsix: what a nice guy
pegsix: oralia and me
pegsix: oralia describes the shelf saga
pegsix: so many infants
pegsix: i meet a new friend
pegsix: hey buddy
pegsix: let's hold hands forever
pegsix: and ever
pegsix: oh gee
pegsix: lemme hold your hand
pegsix: the most succulent drumstick
pegsix: ashwin lets me moon over him