jstmargret: Christine
jstmargret: Jeff, Jim and Christine
jstmargret: Christine has pie stuck in her teeth.
jstmargret: Mmmmm
jstmargret: Pumpkin Pie
jstmargret: Blowing out Jim's candles
jstmargret: Kitchen
jstmargret: Christine
jstmargret: Christine and Kathleen
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: Jim in action
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: Ooo a pumpkin heart
jstmargret: Christine
jstmargret: Walking down High School Way in Mountain View
jstmargret: Kevin
jstmargret: Walking down High School Way in Mountain View
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: Emily and Kevin
jstmargret: Amichi's
jstmargret: "Thank you for the food we eat" (not really)
jstmargret: Shoes
jstmargret: Kevin