Peggie Scott: Success Beauty Saloon
Peggie Scott: Waiting for the flat to be fixed
Peggie Scott: The edge of town
Peggie Scott: Walking to town
Peggie Scott: Traded Starbucks for blue skies
Peggie Scott: Sunrise at Kakata
Peggie Scott: My little world in Liberia
Peggie Scott: Red-Headed Lizard
Peggie Scott: Waiting for the breeze
Peggie Scott: Toilet facilities at the weekend training
Peggie Scott: ZRTTI cooking
Peggie Scott: ZRTTI Looking for dinner
Peggie Scott: Hungry Hogs
Peggie Scott: Red Light
Peggie Scott: Buying gas on the way to Kakata
Peggie Scott: On the way to Kakata
Peggie Scott: Dana on the way to church
Peggie Scott: Lonette
Peggie Scott: Maryella at the abandoned hotel
Peggie Scott: our tree friends
Peggie Scott: Chief's wife
Peggie Scott: Bulger wheat
Peggie Scott: Bridge
Peggie Scott: Tribal chief
Peggie Scott: Rubber trees at Firestone
Peggie Scott: Queen Contestant pre-kindergarden
Peggie Scott: Queen Contestant
Peggie Scott: Queen Contestant
Peggie Scott: Ducor Hotel
Peggie Scott: Success Blue Beauty