Peggie Scott: Back of the church
Peggie Scott: Abandoned Church
Peggie Scott: Inside the church
Peggie Scott: Inside the church
Peggie Scott: Karen facing off with the doll
Peggie Scott: Creepy old house
Peggie Scott: Corner of the old Creepy House
Peggie Scott: Front porch
Peggie Scott: Creepy old house that I was afraid to get any closer to
Peggie Scott: Imperial Glass
Peggie Scott: watch tower
Peggie Scott: Tower top
Peggie Scott: Prison door
Peggie Scott: Prison bars
Peggie Scott: Untitled6
Peggie Scott: Untitled6
Peggie Scott: Untitled6
Peggie Scott: Untitled6
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World
Peggie Scott: Katoli's World