Peggie Scott: Stairs to the UFO
Peggie Scott: Futuro 4 - brown windows
Peggie Scott: Futuro 5 - white windows
Peggie Scott: Futuro 6 - brown, split windows and graffiti
Peggie Scott: Venturo and ocean
Peggie Scott: Venturo shell
Peggie Scott: Tombs on the other side of the wall
Peggie Scott: UFO cyclops
Peggie Scott: Futuro 3 - red windows
Peggie Scott: Overview of the park
Peggie Scott: Little alien Futuro
Peggie Scott: From the hotel window
Peggie Scott: In the trees - Futuro 7
Peggie Scott: Love the lime green tiles
Peggie Scott: View from the window
Peggie Scott: Futuros 9 and 10
Peggie Scott: Venturo in the trees
Peggie Scott: Well taken care of Venturo
Peggie Scott: View from the windows of Futuro 11
Peggie Scott: Park overview with Futuros 1&2
Peggie Scott: SanZhi revsited
Peggie Scott: UFO castle
Peggie Scott: Sylvia with the Grounds Keeper
Peggie Scott: Sylvia with the Security Guard
Peggie Scott: The almost not there Futuro
Peggie Scott: The trash cans wail and bemoan the deterioration of the park.
Peggie Scott: overcast and windy
Peggie Scott: park overview
Peggie Scott: Futuro bathroom
Peggie Scott: Venturo interior