Murphy313: Boulder Gorge
Murphy313: Sam and Carol
Murphy313: The two of us
Murphy313: Sam and Carol
Murphy313: The two of us
Murphy313: With Sam
Murphy313: Me being childish....
Murphy313: Family Pic
Murphy313: Ava and Sam
Murphy313: The Presiding Judge
Murphy313: Tanya
Murphy313: With the newlyweds.....
Murphy313: All of us
Murphy313: Tanya
Murphy313: The Boys
Murphy313: Rosetta
Murphy313: Max and Tanya w the Bridesmaids
Murphy313: Just Married......
Murphy313: Rosetta
Murphy313: Cutting the Cake
Murphy313: With Sam and Jim
Murphy313: The Two of Us
Murphy313: The Groom
Murphy313: Sam and Ava
Murphy313: Ava, Illiana, Rosetta
Murphy313: The Bridesmaids
Murphy313: Rosetta
Murphy313: Illiana
Murphy313: Illiana