walkinguphills: The fence to Branstree
walkinguphills: From Branstree to Harter Fell by fence
walkinguphills: From here to eternity
walkinguphills: Artlecrag on Branstree
walkinguphills: I'll pass on the shelter
walkinguphills: Mosedale
walkinguphills: Half and half in Mosedale
walkinguphills: Shap and the Pennines from the Lake District
walkinguphills: The sighting pillar on Tarn Crag
walkinguphills: Follow the fence
walkinguphills: The slide
walkinguphills: Blue and White
walkinguphills: Bleu et blanc
walkinguphills: A gate on the Gatesgath Pass
walkinguphills: Goat Crags and Longseddle
walkinguphills: The top of the Gatesgarth Pass in snow
walkinguphills: The crags of Harter Fell