walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 1
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 2
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 3
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 4
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 5
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 6
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 7
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 8
walkinguphills: Lake District cloud inversion 9
walkinguphills: Red Pike submerged in cloud
walkinguphills: Pillar
walkinguphills: The lone walker and his island
walkinguphills: Red Pike and Pillar
walkinguphills: A great wave of cloud passes
walkinguphills: Red Pike through the clouds
walkinguphills: The view east from Great Gable
walkinguphills: Glaramara
walkinguphills: Cloud waves lap at Lingmell
walkinguphills: Beyond only cloud
walkinguphills: Scafell, Clouds, Great Napes
walkinguphills: Scafell in a sea of clouds
walkinguphills: Wesmorland Cairn
walkinguphills: Clouds
walkinguphills: Walking in the clouds
walkinguphills: Waves lap against the mountains