walkinguphills: Helpful Loweswater sign, while Mellbreak menaces behind
walkinguphills: Rannerdale Knotts from Mellbreak
walkinguphills: North West Cumbria from Blake Fell
walkinguphills: Burnbank Fell summit
walkinguphills: Sheep and Grasmoor
walkinguphills: Loweswater and Grasmoor
walkinguphills: Loweswater village and Crummock Water
walkinguphills: 204 of 214 Fleetwith Pike
walkinguphills: 205 of 214 Mellbreak
walkinguphills: 206 of 214 Hen Comb
walkinguphills: 207 of 214 Gavel Fell
walkinguphills: 208 of 214 Blake Fell
walkinguphills: 209 of 214 Burnbank Fell