walkinguphills: Kinniside Stone Circle
walkinguphills: Why isn't this a Wainwright hill?
walkinguphills: Little Gowder Crag and Haycock
walkinguphills: Ennerdale Water from Crag Fell
walkinguphills: Forestry Commission digger on Grike
walkinguphills: Ennerdale Bridge from Blakeley Rise
walkinguphills: Herdus, Bowness Knot and Ennerdale
walkinguphills: A hazy view up Ennerdale from Crag Fell
walkinguphills: 141 of 214 Grike
walkinguphills: 142 of 214 Crag Fell
walkinguphills: 143 of 214 Caw Fell
walkinguphills: 144 of 214 Haycock
walkinguphills: 145 of 214 Lank Rigg