walkinguphills: The view down from Greenup Gill
walkinguphills: The view from Eagle Crag
walkinguphills: Eagle Crag cairn
walkinguphills: Looking up Langstrath
walkinguphills: Looking down to far end of Langstrath
walkinguphills: Eagle Crag and Langstrath from Great Crag
walkinguphills: Watendlath from Great Crag
walkinguphills: The cairn on Grange Fell
walkinguphills: Lower Borrowdale in Spring
walkinguphills: Two people look towards Wathendlath
walkinguphills: 102 of 214 Grange Fell
walkinguphills: 103 of 214 Great Crag
walkinguphills: 104 of 214 Ullscarf
walkinguphills: 105 of 214 High Raise (Central Fells)
walkinguphills: 106 of 214 Sargeant's Crag
walkinguphills: 107 of 214 Eagle Crag
walkinguphills: Langstrath from Eagle Crag