walkinguphills: Looking down the Lake District
walkinguphills: Down the barrel at the Lakes
walkinguphills: Knott and the back of Blencathra
walkinguphills: The view down from Trusmadoor
walkinguphills: The Back of Blencthra
walkinguphills: Dash Falls
walkinguphills: Great Cockup from Meal Fell
walkinguphills: Binsey and Over Water from Great Sca Fell
walkinguphills: Binsey and Over Water in the late afternoon
walkinguphills: The view to Binsey in the winter sun
walkinguphills: 72 of 214 Bakestall
walkinguphills: 73 of 214 Great Cockup
walkinguphills: 74 of 214 Meal Fell
walkinguphills: 75 of 214 Great Sca Fell
walkinguphills: 76 of 214 Knott
walkinguphills: 77 of 214 Brae Fell
walkinguphills: 78 of 214 Longlands Fell