Peer Into The Past: Brooklyn Atlantics 1865 Baseball Card found at a yard sale auctioned for $92,000 #NewYork #History
Peer Into The Past: Tsar Nicholas
Peer Into The Past: U. S. Army Soldiers teaching British children how to play baseball during WW2
Peer Into The Past: Jefferson Coates, who lost both eyes at Gettysburg and was awarded the Medal of Honor ca 1870
Peer Into The Past: Little Chief - Mniconjou - ca 1905
Peer Into The Past: Civil War ~ Federal Infantry Drummer
Peer Into The Past: Homes in Atlanta, Georgia 1864 by George N. Barnard #CivilWar
Peer Into The Past: House on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia during Civil War.
Peer Into The Past: Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Quinn, "The Visit", Rome, 1963 by Sam Shaw
Peer Into The Past: Toys for Rubber Salvage at a Georgia Ave. filling station during World War II.
Peer Into The Past: Bob Hope touring near the combat zone in WWII New Guinea.
Peer Into The Past: St. Philip's Church with ruins of Circular Church and Secession Hall. 1865
Peer Into The Past: London At War 1944
Peer Into The Past: The damaged east end of the Nave in the Basilique at Saint-Quentin in Northern France 1919
Peer Into The Past: American POW's in Manila 1945
Peer Into The Past: Coach Joshua C. Cody @USArmy WWI Veteran and College Football Coach
Peer Into The Past: Army Capt. Kris Kristofferson in Vietnam
Peer Into The Past: P-51D Mustang
Peer Into The Past: P-51D Mustang
Peer Into The Past: P-51D Mustang, 352nd Fighter Group. Major George E. Preddy, Jr.
Peer Into The Past: George Bush a naval aviator in the cockpit of his TBM Avenger "Barbara III"
Peer Into The Past: London Smog 1934
Peer Into The Past: Trafalgar Square 1937
Peer Into The Past: Ludgate Circus, London 1922
Peer Into The Past: St Pancras Railway Station 1907
Peer Into The Past: London Fog 1919
Peer Into The Past: An officer bathing the camp puppy during World War I.
Peer Into The Past: Central London. January 1936
Peer Into The Past: Living Service Flag of 10,000 soldiers during WWI
Peer Into The Past: Foggy Hyde Park Corner, London. 25 Oct 1938