The Kozy Shack: Starting a border
The Kozy Shack: More border
The Kozy Shack: Hoes in the Yard
The Kozy Shack: Rototilling Begins
The Kozy Shack: Rototilling
The Kozy Shack: Roto Mama
The Kozy Shack: Hired Help
The Kozy Shack: Ready for Gravel
The Kozy Shack: The Drop Off
The Kozy Shack: Primordial Patio
The Kozy Shack: Landscaping Fabric
The Kozy Shack: Worker Bee
The Kozy Shack: Quarter-Minus Layer
The Kozy Shack: The Foreman
The Kozy Shack: Suspiciously Empty Wheelbarrow
The Kozy Shack: Drew, Riisa & Claire
The Kozy Shack: Starting the Placement
The Kozy Shack: Taking Shape
The Kozy Shack: On Deck Circle
The Kozy Shack: Rabbit Helping to Place Stones
The Kozy Shack: Path & Patio