Pedro Vezini: Lost in Paris
Pedro Vezini: Lost in Paris #2
Pedro Vezini: Red Vader
Pedro Vezini: Dawn On Hoth
Pedro Vezini: What the...????
Pedro Vezini: "Hum...I Feel A Disturbance in The Force..."
Pedro Vezini: Hungry??
Pedro Vezini: Micro Star Destroyer (3/4)
Pedro Vezini: If You Ever Knew The Power Of The Croissant!
Pedro Vezini: "Bounty" Hunter
Pedro Vezini: "..And The Nominees Are..."
Pedro Vezini: "To Win or Not To Win, That's Not A Question, It Is My Destiny.."
Pedro Vezini: "..And The Award Goes To..."
Pedro Vezini: Playing "My Funny Palpatine"
Pedro Vezini: The Pianist
Pedro Vezini: The Drummer
Pedro Vezini: The Double Bass Player
Pedro Vezini: The Trumpet Player
Pedro Vezini: Break...
Pedro Vezini: The Empire has to Respect Quotas too...
Pedro Vezini: Bay WookieWatch
Pedro Vezini: Father & Son
Pedro Vezini: Dark Reflection
Pedro Vezini: Stormtroopers On A Wire
Pedro Vezini: Hard To Tap Dance With Diving Flippers
Pedro Vezini: Gangsta Yoda
Pedro Vezini: That's How I Iron My T-Shirts
Pedro Vezini: Carbonite Malfunction
Pedro Vezini: Surfing Jedi
Pedro Vezini: Snow Wookie