Pedro Nogueira Photography: Kalika 07-Jun-2013 - 01-Abr-2024
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Nap time on a rainy afternoon
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Enjoying the sun
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Happy Birthday, Kalika
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Kalika spotted something
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Here's looking at you, kid
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Holding the fort
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Waiting for lunch
Pedro Nogueira Photography: It is what it is
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Under the rocking chair
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Is she dreaming about the next soccer season?
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Moment of introspection :)
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Sunny and comfy place
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Contemplating the outside world
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Inside of a box, what else?
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Have a nice Sunday
Pedro Nogueira Photography: United Colors of Benetton
Pedro Nogueira Photography: Any more pillows, Your Majesty?