Weng Gales:
Coconut Trees
Weng Gales:
Tropic Mountain
Weng Gales:
Coco Tropics
Weng Gales:
Rice field horizons
Weng Gales:
Food bowl
Weng Gales:
Going Solo
Weng Gales:
The people's park
Weng Gales:
The Orchard Gate
Weng Gales:
The Splash!
Weng Gales:
The Fence
Weng Gales:
Pastel Flags
Weng Gales:
Open Skies
Weng Gales:
The Intersection
Weng Gales:
Serene Davao River
Weng Gales:
The kids treat
Weng Gales:
Here is better than there, and there will come a time that here will no more better than there.
Weng Gales:
The only thing that endures over time is the 'Law of the Farm.' You must prepare the ground, plant the seed, cultivate, and water if you expect to reap the harvest.
Weng Gales:
It’s hard for me to put into words why I like the beach so much. Everything about it is renewing for me, almost like therapy...Beach Therapy --Amy Dykens
Weng Gales:
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor.
Weng Gales:
Tropical Summer Night
Weng Gales:
Davao City at Night
Weng Gales:
Mount Matutum
Weng Gales:
Davao City at Night
Weng Gales:
"Lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.” ~Henry David Thoreau
Weng Gales:
I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have breath of fresh air, calm and peaceful sorrounding