Eduardo Loureiro: a desarmoniosa (e fascinante) artificialidade cravada na natureza 4
Bryce Bradford: Turbulent
Weiviertler: Pontederia cordata I
Thy Photography: Western bluebird
Thy Photography: Barrow’s goldeneye
Thy Photography: Yellow Billed Magpie
Ext-Or: Hunter
Ext-Or: The Fairyland of Anatolia../Cappadocia
Ext-Or: Towards Freedom..
icemanphotos: River and lights
Antonio Chac: Los rayos del sol
Antonio Chac: Nube lenticular
Räi: M A G I C A L
Räi: B E F O R E . S U N R I S E
verenaredfoxgredler: Chicca, the flying dog
verenaredfoxgredler: puppy in the grass
nektarios.karefyllakis: Living in Lofoten Norway 03.00 in the morning
Small and Beautiful: 12. Honeysuckle
--Conrad-N--: Cold forest
bigvern: Supermoon
Heudes Regis: _R__1271
Heudes Regis: HR230414007
Heudes Regis: HR100414085
Heudes Regis: _R__9157 copy
Roy Savoy: Chinatown
Pedro Pablo Orozco: Páramo Las Domínguez - Valle del Cauca - Colombia
Pedro Pablo Orozco: Nubes de atardecer
Pedro Pablo Orozco: Delicadeza - (Pyrocephalus rubinus - Vermilion Flycatcher - Mosquero Cardenal - Titiribí Pechirojo)
Pedro Pablo Orozco: Caño Cristales - The most beautiful river in the world