mfurfur: map of our trip
mfurfur: temp erature the day we arrived in St. George, UT to begin our trip
mfurfur: Snow Canyon State Park just outside St. George UT; the black rocks in the foreground are basalt from an extinct volcano
mfurfur: our classrooms were the parks
mfurfur: beautiful cone of an extinct volcano
mfurfur: another classroom
mfurfur: Freddie Fungus and Alice Algae took a "lichen" to each other; this lichen looked dead, but with a little water, it changed color and showed signs of life
mfurfur: erosion by wind and water wore away some of the sandstone leaving these small iron deposits; our geologist referred to this rock as "geologic acne."
mfurfur: In a residential area in Bloomington, UT, several large pieces of rock broke off a nearby hill; petroglyphs were found on the rocks and the site is now a small park
mfurfur: these large chunks had, at some point, broken off from the mesa in the background
mfurfur: our first national park on the trip[
mfurfur: driving into Zion National Park
mfurfur: really long lines waiting to get in on Memorial Day weekend
mfurfur: if people arrived after 9 am, they had to park in town
mfurfur: the first of many breath-taking views
mfurfur: the little slit in the middle of the picture is where the early tribes in the area stored grain - see the next picture
mfurfur: the ancint granary
mfurfur: the Virgin River flows through the park
mfurfur: heading up to a waterfall at the end of a canyon
mfurfur: the view out of the canyon; the next photo is hikers on top of the distant plateau
mfurfur: it took a bit more time and much more courage than I would have to climb to the top
mfurfur: IMG_3265
mfurfur: hikers on the far side of the canyon
mfurfur: sego lily