mfurfur: our ship's deck after docking at Arles; Van Gogh's first version of Starry Night was painted across the river
mfurfur: the firt of 21 versions of The Starry Night
mfurfur: Arles was liberated in WW II by the Allies; this plaque commemorates 2 US Army-Air Corps pilots who were killed during the battle
mfurfur: the Yellow House where Van Gogh lived was destroyed during the battle to liberate Arles, but this is the corner on which it stood; there is a pub there today
mfurfur: medieval Arles was a walled cty; here is one of the entry points into the city
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mfurfur: heading toward the colliseum in Arles
mfurfur: the colliseum
mfurfur: inside the colliseum where today bullfights are held
mfurfur: teaching a local class about skills needed by gladiators
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mfurfur: coliseum
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mfurfur: heading toward the amphitheater
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mfurfur: the Roman amphitheater is used today for concerts and events
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mfurfur: Forum Square in Arles; Cafe Van Gogh on the right
mfurfur: the cafe where Van Gogh talked and drank absinthe with other atists
mfurfur: his painting of the cafe
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mfurfur: the garden where Van Gogh spent much time while being treated for his mental health problems
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mfurfur: his painting of the garden
mfurfur: Republic Square