a very malnourished baby who was abandoned by his mother and then brought to JFK hospital; I was the first white person he had ever seen
a boy with significant developmental disabilities who had been abandoned by his family and had been living at the hospital for a couple of years
a boy who had an inoperable eye tumor; unfortunately chemotherapy was not available at the hospital
one of a number of babies who had neonatal tetanus, an almost fatal disease that newborns who are born in unsterile environments to mothers who have not gotten tetanus vaccine
the woman sitting in the center ran a restaurant on the hospital grounds; in one of those "small world" events, she turned out to be the grandmother of a patient I was taking care of in Massachusetts!
looking toward the ocean, you can see trash dumped at the end of the street and in the foreground, a house has a bucket on the balcony to collect rainwater because there was no running water
a painting outside the pediatric ward illustrating the tears that so many people shed during the long civil war