Hugh Smiitham: Fender line
Hugh Smiitham: Van Goghesh
Hugh Smiitham: Cannons and Sub
Hugh Smiitham: Water line
Hugh Smiitham: Homer midway
Hugh Smiitham: Midway Stern
Hugh Smiitham: David_Curtis_Bruce
Hugh Smiitham: Winter branches
Hugh Smiitham: The Kiss
Hugh Smiitham: Troops entertainer
Hugh Smiitham: The line up
Hugh Smiitham: LHT on the move
Hugh Smiitham: The three
Hugh Smiitham: Hollow steel
Hugh Smiitham: marine flags
Hugh Smiitham: Bruce n David
Hugh Smiitham: Bruce n David II
Hugh Smiitham: The Salt Mountains
Hugh Smiitham: Silver Strand n Bruce
Hugh Smiitham: Silver Strand n David
Hugh Smiitham: Silver Strand n Curtis
Hugh Smiitham: Silver Strand n Me