Pedalling about:
Brand new bikes in Bridgwater
Pedalling about:
Laura enjoying the ride
Pedalling about:
Paddy's bike taking a rest
Pedalling about:
Cycling up the Glastonbury Tor
Pedalling about:
Laura pedalling about
Pedalling about:
Sunny cycling
Pedalling about:
Cycling through hippie Somerset
Pedalling about:
Bike in a tree - art or destruction?
Pedalling about:
Laura pushing already
Pedalling about:
Paddy's bike muddy already
Pedalling about:
Still smiling after climibing with the Rohloff
Pedalling about:
Laura's new bike - 'Noah'
Pedalling about:
Paddy cycling home to London
Pedalling about:
Paddy ringing the bell for the Thames ferry
Pedalling about:
Laura supporting the bikes on the ferry
Pedalling about:
The new Brooks saddle - ouch