PED74: 008092600 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008092601 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008092700 ramillete [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008100100 mariposa [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008100400 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008100402 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008101600 MERCI 1
PED74: 008101601 MERCI 2
PED74: 008101800 MERCI 3
PED74: 008101801 MERCI 4
PED74: 008110800 cityscape / fiori
PED74: 008110801 nessuno
PED74: 009010800 exvoto
PED74: 009010803 exvoto
PED74: 009010806 exvoto
PED74: 009010807 exvoto
PED74: 008100700 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008101303 ciática [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008120100 corazón [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008120102 espalda [exvoto / votive offering]
PED74: 008102301 framed boy
PED74: 008102403 framed boy
PED74: 009011701 only the one that hurts you
PED74: 009011702 only the one that inflicts pain
PED74: 009012000 capilaridad
PED74: 009012001 fear
PED74: 009010900 exvoto don´t leave me this way
PED74: 009011301 exvoto
PED74: 009011302 exvoto
PED74: 009011303 exvoto