pecosbill87: Good morning little man.
pecosbill87: Welcome to the promise of a new day.
pecosbill87: First, lets fix that ouwie on your foot.
pecosbill87: Then, off to Micky-D's for a nutricious breakfast and subsequint play fest in the ever amazing Micky-D's play land.
pecosbill87: A happy little ride in the mini-van.
pecosbill87: All the interesting things we pass.
pecosbill87: Getting a little sleeeeepy.
pecosbill87: All refreshed with a blast of wonder milk.
pecosbill87: Okay folks, little two year old Conor has arrived.
pecosbill87: One happy little man...
pecosbill87: A day at the park, Dublin, Texas
pecosbill87: Conor, The King Kong of the Jungle Jim
pecosbill87: Weeeeeeee......
pecosbill87: "Wook Biggie, wook"....
pecosbill87: Do it again...
pecosbill87: Beware folks, its the wiley spotted Conor on the prowl.
pecosbill87: One more time Biggie...
pecosbill87: Nothing like a day at the park.
pecosbill87: What an adventure life is...
pecosbill87: Sometimes life is all about "Going Down The Tube"...
pecosbill87: Conor, doing his stand up comedy act at the Dr. Pepper Bottling Plant in Dublin, Texas.