sp photography.:
Stallhof Dresden
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Stallhof Dresden
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Frauenkirche und Fürstenzug Dresden
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Fürstenzug Dresden
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The Blue Wonder
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Zitronenpresse Dresden
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Frauenkirche at Christmas time
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Dampfer auf der Elbe
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Trees in a Row
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There's history behind it
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World record
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Citytour Dresden
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Semperoper Dresden
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Neumarkt Dresden
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Window Shopping
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Flowers for you
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Tram station
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falling leaves
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Circus in the city
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Johannstadt, Trostberg, Tororo
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Vorweihnachtszeit in Dresden
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Slippery Streets
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Street reflection in an elevator
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Walking up the escalator
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Dresden, Fetscherplatz 2011
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Train to Pirna