peatle: 消失之前的太陽
peatle: 中箭
peatle: the kid in the street
peatle: who twist most everything they see.
peatle: Lines that I couldn't change
peatle: Fragile
peatle: 時間不小心跳針
peatle: 城裡剛好缺了誰
peatle: 在未來
peatle: anxiety
peatle: followers / weirdo
peatle: Shine
peatle: What she came for
peatle: The Witness of Revelation
peatle: QUEEN
peatle: XITANG
peatle: can't sustain the feeling
peatle: I wonder what it's all about
peatle: 1/413
peatle: there, there, SHA
peatle: September
peatle: 視線