PeatDyke: Elevator Buttons
PeatDyke: Swans!
PeatDyke: Earful Tower
PeatDyke: The Swan and Dolphin Resorts
PeatDyke: LSU Tigers
PeatDyke: Dad and Mom on the Ferry
PeatDyke: Pirates of the Caribbean Angel
PeatDyke: Pete Train
PeatDyke: Dad, Watch Your Head
PeatDyke: Dad on the Backlot Tour
PeatDyke: Allie and the Viewfinder
PeatDyke: Pat and the Viewfinder
PeatDyke: Fron Fries
PeatDyke: Fron: Cause We Got Nothin' To Do
PeatDyke: Glowing Power!
PeatDyke: New Year's Eve
PeatDyke: Happy New Year!
PeatDyke: John Looking at My iPod
PeatDyke: Pete's 88 Picture Spot
PeatDyke: I'm In Epcot?!
PeatDyke: John Playing At The Contemporary
PeatDyke: Pete and Colonial Goofy
PeatDyke: IMG_0170
PeatDyke: IMG_0169
PeatDyke: IMG_0168
PeatDyke: IMG_0166
PeatDyke: IMG_0165
PeatDyke: Mom and Two (?!) Ugly Betty's
PeatDyke: Picture 228
PeatDyke: Picture 235