*jp51*: Are you looking at me?
*jp51*: Winter Portrait
*jp51*: Ice 1
*jp51*: Ice 2
*jp51*: Not much snow, but at least we had a white Christmas~
*jp51*: Winter Shadows~
*jp51*: I should have worn a hat~
*jp51*: You looking at me?
*jp51*: Merry Christmas to all...
*jp51*: ~The Cabin~
*jp51*: No one gets turned away from our seed buffet~
*jp51*: Sharing a meal~
*jp51*: Thanks for the seeds, lady!
*jp51*: Thank you to all our veterans!
*jp51*: Silent Night
*jp51*: Sharp-Shinned Hawk
*jp51*: Waiting out the blizzard...
*jp51*: We're having a heat wave!
*jp51*: I think I saw a seed here somewhere...
*jp51*: It's going to be a long winter...a little birdie told me~
*jp51*: Is it spring yet?????
*jp51*: In the Misty Moonlight...
*jp51*: Snow and Shadow
*jp51*: Sunburst
*jp51*: A winter's day in New England
*jp51*: The Pond in Late Afternoon
*jp51*: A Golden Winter Afternoon
*jp51*: Heavenly shades of night are falling, it's twilight time...
*jp51*: Merry Christmas to All
*jp51*: Merry Christmas to all...