pearlyqueen: Porridge
pearlyqueen: The finished dresser
pearlyqueen: Making greengage jam...
pearlyqueen: Picking plums...
pearlyqueen: Big skies on the way to the Annie Sloane paint shop today...
pearlyqueen: The mint is flowering well...
pearlyqueen: Can't wait to find out what kind of plums these are
pearlyqueen: The peaches are ripening😊
pearlyqueen: This hot weather is a bit much if you're wearing a fur coat. It's 40 degrees C today☹️
pearlyqueen: The cat sat on the mat...
pearlyqueen: Cinders is settling in
pearlyqueen: I love the colour of this gladiolus...
pearlyqueen: This hosta will be spectacular when it flowers
pearlyqueen: The aliens are coming...
pearlyqueen: My new top from a cheapy advert on Facebook has its numberplate printed backwards!
pearlyqueen: It’s turning out warm again so what do. I do? Crochet the Cupcake Blanket while waiting for the motor mower to arrive...
pearlyqueen: My lavender is host to shiny little beetles....
pearlyqueen: My lavender is host to shiny little beetles....
pearlyqueen: The shortest hollyhock ever!
pearlyqueen: The summer-flowering magnolia is starting to flower😁
pearlyqueen: More of those poppies...
pearlyqueen: It’s nice when you can take your friends swimming...
pearlyqueen: Always check before you chop ☹️
pearlyqueen: Little pink convolvulus in the lawn look like confetti after a wedding...
pearlyqueen: New handles for the cupboard doors!
pearlyqueen: Carefully mended, following ecological principles...
pearlyqueen: The first poppy out from a packet of seeds...
pearlyqueen: A new bed...
pearlyqueen: Anyone for cherries?