pesbo: Anthony Bansfield, Hall of Honour
pesbo: Akpata
pesbo: Hall of honour to Akpata
pesbo: Kevin Matthews welcomes
pesbo: book table
pesbo: Frances Itani
pesbo: Paul Vermeersch
pesbo: Paul Vermeersch
pesbo: Dennis Cooley
pesbo: Dennis Cooley
pesbo: Dennis Cooley
pesbo: Dennis Cooley
pesbo: Steven Artelle
pesbo: Steven Artelle
pesbo: Nina introduces
pesbo: Stan Dragland
pesbo: Stan Dragland
pesbo: Stan Dragland
pesbo: Roland Prevost
pesbo: Roland Prevost
pesbo: Claire Caldwell
pesbo: Stymiest introducing
pesbo: Brian on door
pesbo: audience gathering, Dean
pesbo: Pressed Cafe panorama
pesbo: Marshall leading the renga
pesbo: links coming up
pesbo: links coming up
pesbo: Lillian Allen at Capital Slam
pesbo: Brandon Wint calling people to their seats