pesbo: Friends of Petrie Island
pesbo: a wheelbarrow of poem material
pesbo: assembling the pickets
pesbo: Katherine
pesbo: Jan and Rol
pesbo: poems readying to go
pesbo: poem planting pickets
pesbo: Katherine
pesbo: affixing
pesbo: poetry load
pesbo: Turtle Lookout, no turtles sunning today
pesbo: the descent of the paparazzi
pesbo: Sanrda Ridley's poem on Turtle Trail
pesbo: painter along the trail
pesbo: pounding the first stake, Ridley's poem
pesbo: image-4
pesbo: getting the poem about flood by where water rises
pesbo: Chris affixing
pesbo: by the water
pesbo: Sandra Ridley's poem on Turtle Trail
pesbo: Ottawa River by fern trail
pesbo: Roland with his poem
pesbo: Roland with his poem
pesbo: image-10
pesbo: Roland's poem
pesbo: the maker of the posts, Groulx's poem
pesbo: level?
pesbo: David Groulx's poem on Fern Walk
pesbo: toting poems
pesbo: image-2