pesbo: TA Carter
pesbo: Nick Virgilio
pesbo: Nick Virgilio
pesbo: book table
pesbo: archival display
pesbo: Asahi Weekly
pesbo: quote on impermance
pesbo: IMG_9268
pesbo: discussion around translations
pesbo: Emiko looking at her slide
pesbo: hackett haiku
pesbo: IMG_9253
pesbo: fireworks
pesbo: ikebana
pesbo: music night
pesbo: Luce
pesbo: poems in English and French
pesbo: MDW
pesbo: Angelee
pesbo: IMG_9414
pesbo: Micheline
pesbo: IMG_9478
pesbo: who wants a copy of group photo
pesbo: Roberta and Rich
pesbo: Roberta and Rich
pesbo: train haiku
pesbo: cross currents ekphrastic
pesbo: dramatic monologue
pesbo: painting
pesbo: IMG_9338