peapicker: Palm Sunday at the Trisagion
peapicker: His Eminence preaching
peapicker: Eucharistic Prayers
peapicker: Censing before the great Entrance
peapicker: Prayers at the Great Entrance
peapicker: At the beginning of Communion
peapicker: Prayers with the Deacon
peapicker: Father prays to Christ for us
peapicker: Tonsuring Readers
peapicker: Tonsuring Readers
peapicker: Entrance and bay leaves
peapicker: Entrance and bay leaves
peapicker: Entrance and bay leaves
peapicker: Praying before the the gospel
peapicker: Waiting while the deacon goes out to read the gospel
peapicker: Listening to the deacon read the gospel
peapicker: The Small Entrance
peapicker: Christ seen through the kouvouklion
peapicker: Mike, reading one of the many Holy Week readings
peapicker: Sermon
peapicker: At the end of communion
peapicker: Chanting at Pascha midnight liturgy
peapicker: Looking good...
peapicker: Ack, she touched me!
peapicker: Ok dad, here's your nice photo.
peapicker: What church in the middle of the night does to you....