peak4: Amanita Fulva?
peak4: Wood Blewitt
peak4: Fly Argaric
peak4: colourful bracket fungus
peak4: Boletus at Dale Dyke
peak4: Bracket Fungus
peak4: Jew's Ear Fungus
peak4: Honey Fungus ?
peak4: Unidentified Fungus 2
peak4: Blusher 2
peak4: Blusher 1
peak4: Unidentified Fungus
peak4: Wood Blewitt
peak4: Wood Blewitt
peak4: Chicken of the Woods
peak4: The Blusher
peak4: Tawny Grisette
peak4: Tawny Grisette
peak4: Boletus reticulatus
peak4: Leccinum quercinum
peak4: Orange Birch Bolete
peak4: Amethyst Deceiver
peak4: Red Cracked and Bay Boletus
peak4: Hedgehog Mushroom
peak4: Basket of Boletes
peak4: Tawny Grisette
peak4: Sulphur Tufts?
peak4: Suillus variegatus
peak4: Fly Agaric- Amanita muscaria
peak4: Orange Birch Bolete - Leccinum verispelle