peachy92: Cookie has been trying to get me to pay attention to her while I’m at work.
peachy92: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
peachy92: COVID-19 Measures.
peachy92: Beef Section
peachy92: The meat restrictions.
peachy92: The paper products aisle.
peachy92: Paper products restrictions.
peachy92: Picking up some meds.
peachy92: Some toilet paper available
peachy92: No thermometers.
peachy92: The restrictions on acetaminophen.
peachy92: Paper Products Aisle
peachy92: No rush on adult diapers
peachy92: Cleaning Product Aisle
peachy92: The glove and masks aisle.
peachy92: The Condom Aisle
peachy92: The diaper aisle
peachy92: COVID-19 activity time: Cross Stitch time.
peachy92: Watching The Masked Singer and doing my cross stitch.
peachy92: COVID-19 rationing.
peachy92: Milk Dud and I...
peachy92: My plan is to finish the lower right quadrant tonight.
peachy92: Not much my work on my cross stitch
peachy92: Cookie
peachy92: Feels like the whole world has stopped.
peachy92: Gizmo has decided to sample my lasagna.
peachy92: Cross Stitch progress this afternoon
peachy92: Motorcycle Shop Sales Board.
peachy92: Enough Cross Stitch for tonight